This New Moon Solar Eclipse at 12 degrees brings in some fierce energy as it has brought roadblock after roadblock along with clearings and old stories/situations to the front line to finally let go of for good.
We have been tested to see how we would react as our old life showed us where there were some energy leaks and loops that were not only being repeated but also needed to be closed up.
Sometimes the old stories, narratives and situations can sneak through the cracks and we are shown that we really are no longer that person.
We have been asked to take more responsibility for our lives and all that comes with this higher level and in doing that we have to create new containers and hold ourselves accountable for how we want to live moving forward… that means every single action and thought must be put towards this new life.
We can get caught up in moving in auto pilot- checked out- distracted- let life pass us by etc., but this energy moving forward will eat you up if you don’t take charge and ownership of your life.
We are closing out a two year cycle and preparing for a new one that will be abundant and prosperous as we learn polarity and to master this earthly realm.
Sagittarius teaches us about philosophies, expansion, creativity and most of all that life is to be played… let go of the harsh shadows you have moved through and go have some fun.
Life is an adventure and you are the main character.
Start acting like it