All major planets are now stationed direct and you can feel the energy of inspiration and respark of passion coming through once again.
We really don’t think planets affect us until they move direct and we have feel the energy becoming light and open again and realize looking back just how much we were moving through.
The energy leading up to the planets stationing direct in the last week was probably the most intense of the Rx season as our bodies were adjusting with exhaustion, physical symptoms and many downloads mentally.
We have a lot of energy that has moved through and into Capricorn which is teaching us about walking our talk in all areas of our lives.
The Rx season showed us where we needed to stretch our minds, where we needed to see things clearly and most of all where we were holding ourselves back from the things we desire.
We were shown where we self sabotage due to our mindsets, fears and worries and where we can get addicted to old stories instead of creating something new in the present.
Aquarius + Capricorn rule the skies right now and are asking us to really evaluate our long term plans and build them now.
This energy is also helping us to fully change ourselves into better versions of ourselves by stretching our minds and actions.
Now that you have a renewal of your mind you can have a renewal of your life and with all planets direct until April there is no excuses to not take action on what you want and hold that container.
Choose what you want, stick with it even if it looks like a hot mess galore because it will pay off and you will have more than you could have ever imagined… but it is you who must be disciplined enough to show up through it all as in the process you expand, grow, learn and evolve into that which you desire.
You say you want something but do you stick with it long enough to evolve into it, to embody it and most of all to have and to keep it?
We oftentimes get stuck in our old ways and feel we can not have something once we get it so to save ourselves the disappointment we will self sabotage, find excuses and focus on the negative things of what is not working so that we can prove our fears correct that it won’t work etc.
This energy has taught us that- that is not the answer and definitely not the solution.
You can have what you want and you can Keep it.
But it is up to you to keep it, to hold it, to nurture it and to keep growing it.
Saturn always shows us why it’s worth the work and why it’s worth keeping.
Take action now in where you are going/what you want long term and by summer you will see it all coming together.