There is a lot of chaos in the air right now and pressure is building for most as we build up into the last eclipse season of 2020 starting with the Full Moon in Gemini.
It feels as though a lot are at their breaking point and that fear, scarcity, old stories and emotions are boiling to the surface.
We are doing a lot of work in dreams and have been for the past month to help clear out more from a deep, deep subconscious level.
Many of our old stories are based out of fear, scarcity and are not even ours to begin with- we just make them ours by repeating them over and over.
Many of those stories have been passed down for many generations and when we look at the stories and loops, we can see that they no longer make sense.
We are asked to re-evaluate our truths, ideas and stories and give them a different meaning so that we can let go of the attachment, timelines and the energy that holds us in a pattern.
With a sudden shift into “dark winter” we reached a new zero point leading into December 21st of the new dawn- the full reset.
The world is awakening more and more to what is truly going on and much is coming to light and many fear the new regulations that could take place, the fear of the right to their body and most of all what freedom means to them moving forward.
The body is feeling the pressure and anxiety, body aches, chest pressure etc. are all building.
Remember what the mind suppresses the body expresses.
Many of you have been on this journey for a while and are asked to lead as you have been preparing for this time. Come above as you can see clearly what is going on and lead, stay in the light and notice the fear tactics that are trying to pull you down.
For the newly awakened, this is a time to exercise your intuition and trust in the process, but also fight for truth and light.
More than ever with the unknown upon you get to see that your purpose is more impactful and important than ever.
This is where the innovative and creatives thrive.
Stay focused on the accession that is being asked of you as a collective, not the energy that is trying to pull you down.
Eclipse seasons are powerful and we get to choose how we want to choose how we want to use it, as it can skyrocket you into the next timeline and level or hold you back even further.
We choose based on what we are feeding our minds, what our diet and habits consist of and where we are holding ourselves in lower frequencies based on our actions and thoughts.
The choice is always yours.
What do you want to choose moving forward?