Jupiter enters Pisces before stationing retrograde from 6/20- 10/18 back into Aquarius where it will stay until 1/1.
Jupiter has been under Saturn’s restrictive rule for the past 2 years and because of such there has been many limitations showing up in our lives from expansion, to money, to making moves, to health, to love, to mindset etc.
As Jupiter moves into Pisces it leaves Saturn’s rule to help us bring in more expansion and to dive deeper into our souls.
Jupiter in Pisces will amplify old/current addictions from drugs, alcohol, food, sex etc. so make sure to really observe this but also get to the root of where the problem is and how it started.
This energy also opens up our creativity, our interest in the occult and the archetype of Christ consciousness, which is higher heart activations and unconditional love.
This is the start of your expansion that you have been working on for over the past 2 years, but this is nearly only the preview to show you where you still need work, where your foundation is not aligned and supportive.
You have been cleaning up a lot of karma, tying up loose ends, healing and cleaning old wounds that have been holding you back from childhood etc. and because of that you will be set free, but before that happens there is still some unfinished business.
This is a glimpse of what we will expect fully for 2022 when Jupiter moves fully into Pisces.
Mercury in Gemini moved into the retrograde shadows a day after Jupiter moved into Pisces which lets us know that we are not out of the waters yet- if anything we are actually just starting to go deeper into our hearts and souls to make sure we are pure, innocent and aligned in the most deepest ways.