This Lunar Eclipse activates a highly intense next few weeks as we lead into the Winter Solstice.
We can either go higher or stay the same, the choice is ours.
As we come off of Neptune retrograde and so much Scorpio energy we have been able to see those darker parts of ourselves, our actions/habits, the mirrors around us and so much more- all helping us to go through and transmute that energy to go higher.
We are leaving the age of Pisces and moving into the Age of Aquarius on 12/21 and in this era the knowing and truth will be main themes.
This Gemini at 8 degrees helps us to unlock and activate the energy embodiment of all that we say we want and desire.
It teaches us that in order to have what we desire we first must become it.
Gemini teaches us about duality and looking to spirit for guidance and then to take that guidance and have discernment to see whether it is our ego or truly spirit speaking and act on the highest space of knowing and integrity.
We are in a space of releasing old karmic debts from ourselves and others we have taken on, so that we can accelerate quicker to a new level.
Gemini represents the lovers in tarot and teaches us that only once we see clearly can we truly know as the gods do.
Temptations and playing into other realms has been high for most as a space of escape, but this energy is asking you to come back down and see what is in front of you.
There is much work to be done over the next few weeks leading into 2021 and this energy is going to set the tone for the next 22 months… how do you want it to carry you?
There is a space asking you to come into union with yourself as oftentimes our biggest problems in life come from not being in union with ourselves and with others.
How can you level out the playing field and honor your word through your actions?
Where in your life are you off balance?
Where are you giving too much and not getting the same in return?
Where are you not in union with your word?
Gemini teaches us that through duality comes accession and through accession comes knowledge.
Gemini’s motto is “I think- therefore I am”.
Understand the power of your thoughts and see that it is truly creating everything in your life.
The mind is a powerful thing and we can use it as a weapon on ourselves or use it as a tool to help us get all that we desire.
Come into union with your highest self.