Yay- New Moon in Aries! This is your official reset in the lunar cycle for a year!
We just reset the Sun Cycle (Masculine) now we reset the Lunar Cycle (Feminine).
A New Moon happens when the Moon and Sun are in the same sign at the same degree. They conjoin and are in perfect Yin/Yang balanced energy.
This is a time of full renew emotionally and energetically and is one of the most powerful resets of the year- and we get to choose what we want with this energy moving forward.
This is a time to go inside and really get clear on what we want to create for the next year and how we plan on doing it- and since we are all quarantined we have no other choice but to get it “together” and really do the internal work and build our lives the way we want it!
It is so funny how the universe works as it always knows what we need even if we don’t.
Can anyone say massive collective reset?
As the world goes through a reset/awakening we all get to choose what we want the world to look like after this- by what we do in quarantine.
Some of the greatest that ever lived built huge success and innovations while in isolation.
“Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born.” – Nikola Tesla
Right now we have an Aries stellium with the Sun, Moon and Chiron helping us to heal our wounds (Chiron), get in touch with our emotions (Moon) and lead the way into something new (Sun).
What we do with this time will tell us who we truly are, what really matters and if we really want what we say we want.
Aries magnifies energy and it will be magnifying what we think, do and say right now- remember everything is energy and has a domino effect. You can either free yourself or place yourself in your own prison with your actions, thoughts and words.
Be the observer in your life.
Aries is the leader and we get to ask ourselves the following:
How are we leading our lives?
How are we creating new opportunities for ourselves?
How are we trailblazing industries?
How are we using the most of this time to get our ideas out and off the ground running?
The motto for Aries is “I am” so who are you truly?
Who do you want to be?
Who do you get to be?
What steps are you taking to be that person?
Does your language and actions add up to be that person you always wanted to be?
There is no excuse when it comes to Aries as they know in order to be what they desire they must move through fear, doubt, and their shadows to be great!
Who are you?