Mars moves into Capricorn along with Mercury Retrograde joining Venus in Capricorn retrograde which is calling us to take action, communicate, commit deeper and dive deeper into our partnership, career and deeper into love.
Capricorn is in it for the long run and this energy is asking you to really stay dedicated to the long term and what you want to create.
Capricorn knows there are times when it’s hard, it looks uncertain, you want to give up, it seems like too much or just unsure on how it will work, but it is in all of that – that shows your commitment, dedication and desire to the thing you say you want.
It is time to be fully in and walk your talk.
Your heart already knows what it wants and now everything is catching up from actions to communication.
Venus in Capricorn has put us into deep work in the heart helping us to get very clear on what/who we want and open our hearts to dive deeper into our feminine to show that.
With Mars now in Capricorn we will have the masculine go through the upgrades to put in the work around what it wants to align with its feminine.
Mercury in Capricorn is going to help us really solidify our desires/dreams into the earthly realm.
This is the first time the feminine and masculine are aligning and coming into deeper union as this energy starts to usher us into the magic of 2/22 where the masculine and feminine pass all the tests they have been given lately and go deeper/solidifying/locking in their union.
It may look unknown right now but that is only because we are deep in retrograde- that will shift in the next few days and things will get better, hold on even if it looks unknown and murky… that is spirit just doing deep clearing.
You are embarking on a new journey together.
The soil is fertile and now everything Is aligning with deep passion and love.
Plant your seeds, let your roots go deep and be committed even deeper for the long term as your heart is waiting for you to do so.
Show up in love.
Show up in your desire.
Show up and make it all work.
There is so much magic, miracles and love to keep creating and expanding.