New Year, New Moon and New You.
As we start off 2022 we are greeted with a New Moon in Capricorn at 12 degrees helping us to have a fresh new start but also ground in this newer version we have been creating.
When you go higher you can have imposter syndrome come through and think you are not worthy or even ready for this next level of your dream, when in fact you always have been (otherwise it would not show up).
Capricorn is known as the sea goat and can move from water to land grounding into this earthly realm fertility and success as it moves through the waters of emotions and the obstacles of the highest mountains (self and brain)- and it can/will still remain stable and solid as it goes higher and higher.
“truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” Matthew 17:20.
This New Moon teaches us to stretch ourselves and minds into this newer version of self mastery as Mercury moves into Aquarius- reminding us of the vision beyond our time and it is us who brings it into this earthly realm.
We could have been beaten up by the year 2021 but with this energy it is reminding us of our dreams and to step forth back into them, but in at a higher scale.
It’s easy to get caught up in life, but now it is time to take the wheel once again and intentionally design your life at this new level.
Every new level will require a different you, which means you have to show up differently, think differently, believe differently and take different action.
You are ready. You have been ready.
You are being stretched right now.
Remember each new level will stretch you.
That is where there test resides.
Do you show up differently in the boss babe that you are or do you shrink back down to your old default self?
Time to play a bigger game.
You are ready!