Life has a funny way of bringing you back to you and showing you where you are repeating/relapsing and where you need to break a pattern/cycle.
We come to a close of this year with this New Moon in Pisces and as we reflect on what the past year has brought and taught us we can see that this was one of the most hardest and expansive years to date.
It may have been extremely heavy and extremely beautiful at times as we learned to honor the duality and deeply understand just as heavy as it could be – the opposite is also true.
Life has a way of breaking you open and reflecting back to you deeply internal wounds, suffering, patterns, habits, cycles etc that you or loved ones have been a part of.
Pisces is known as the dreamer, but it can also be a martyr and can play victim.
Pisces dream deeply and play in fantasy often but with this New Moon we are reminded of how important it is to bring that dream and vision into this realm and to get out of our own beliefs and limitations to make a way for that vision.
Pisces rules the 12th house which rules the unseen realm, secrets, hospitals, addictions, karma, death, shadow work, past lives, what’s hidden in our subconscious/hidden from others, endings, the after life etc.
This Moon shows us where we latch onto others to come up, where we don’t make our own way, where we have hidden addictions that need to be healed, where we don’t believe in ourselves, where we need to close up old chapters of ourselves and our lives, where we are repeating generational cycles and most of all where we need deep healing from what is hidden deep in our timelines/subconscious.
There is a deeper feeling of wanting to really take charge of our lives and responsibilities as we close out an old chapter of our lives.
As our souls have evolved we now must have our current life reflect/support that next evolution.
Lean into support, lean into your community and lean into your dream.
We leave the heavy domain of Saturn and start to move into a space of Jupiter and Neptune dominating the sky which helps us to redesign our lives and be re-inspired with our dreams… but
If we have learned anything from Saturn the past few years is… you must put in the work.
Dreams don’t fall on your lap… YOU have to make them a reality.
Time to get to work, come back into alignment and show yourself what you are made of.
As the unknown makes itself clear we can use that information to change course, heal and/or grow to support our future selves.
It takes courage to follow your dreams.
It takes even more courage and strength to make them a reality and not give up!
You got this!
Dream a bigger dream!
Show up in that bigger dream!