Saturn stationed Rx in Aquarius on the 11th and will be moving back into Capricorn in July- helping us to really review our lives, make changes, tie up loose ends, put in more structures, foundations and funnels into place and really dive deeper into our truth of what we want. ⠀
As Saturn moves back into Capricorn we will be reviewing all of the lessons from December 2017 when it made its debut. ⠀
What has changed for you since 2017? What have you learned and how have you grown since 2017? What still needs to change and where are things the same in your life? ⠀
Saturn feels at home in its sign, but that does not mean it will not serve you for filth.
Saturn in Capricorn has rocked all of our worlds and as this energy moves Rx it is going to help us to do more healing + growth around the masculine, father, time, structure, foundation, discipline, loyalty, commitment, money, health and dreams.⠀
We will not have this energy for another 28 years so what would you like to do now that will set you up for the next 28 years when Saturn moves back into Capricorn? ⠀
Saturn plans + plays long term and is not worried about the instant satisfaction, what’s right in front of it, succumbing to pleasure in the moment or even a bit of hard work as it knows that the smart observe and take action for the long game.⠀
Saturn plays chess not checkers.⠀
Over the next few months you will become more focused as you may have noticed your energy and determination has been all over the place since Saturn moved into Aquarius, now it is time to get back into your grounding and put your practices into play as you’ve already seen a glimpse of the future. ⠀
Did you like it or no? ⠀
If not what do you need to do to change it?
Saturn allows us to see where we are blocking our own blessings by not having the right foundations in place, the right mindset, commitment, focus and determination. ⠀
It gets to be easy when we say yes and show up in that yes!
It gets to be easy and fast when we commit and allow ourselves to hold space for what we want.
It gets to be easy when we take inspired action and get momentum moving.
This energy shows us where we don’t choose our long term dream and where we give up on ourselves, visions, people, health, dreams, love, and most of all where we don’t choose in general and need other people to choose for us.
Saturn wants you to be a boss, to be strong in your mind, your will, to put protection into place, to be committed to your word, to put in the work to make it work and to build your empire.
Saturn always wants you to be your best version of yourself and will make sure that you do!
Show up and be your own muse, choose yourself, your dreams and what you love!
Work with the energy of Saturn to create the masterpiece within you!