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Dedicated to supporting individuals through the journey of discovering their unique soul’s blueprint to unlock their fullest potential, unravel their greatest truth and design their dream life.
It’s been a wild ride and if we look back to this time last year … everything has changed and you are no longer the same.
Each season starts a new chapter and as we officially move through Autumn we are reminded of how deep our roots are and just how important the roots are in all that we do.
When the flowers start to wilt and the leaves start to fall we are left bare and these are the times that we learn to weather life and see who/what truly matters and who is with us based off of our roots.
This last year has tested us as we have walked with the angel of death many times, healed in the deepest ways we never knew possible and forgave in ways that only god could teach us and with all this have had a purification take place deep within our hearts, mind and lives.
We can feel the season changing and a new chapter beginning and as we move through the endings of these retrogrades and enter into a new cycle with the Nodes and Eclipses at the end of this year we are reminded just how far we have come and how beautiful it is that we get a new chapter to create from a blank slate.
October is a month to set into your foundation your new ways as it is a month of expansion and to see if you have really learned the lessons or not.
You are given another opportunity to keep going an building on your dreams, with support and to stretch yourself… but the question remains- when fear shows up do you shrink down, cut your expenses, go into paralyzation, spiral or even start something new because you are scared to move through the obstacles you placed in front of yourself or do you show up, expand and trust the universe and yourself to always provide?
We have Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury all stationing direct this month which will ease some of those fears and tensions you have been feeling, but also help you to open up those gates where you felt stagnant whether it was with money, relationships, mindset, health etc.
The last 3 Full Moons with double Aquarius and Pisces has brought up a lot of our fears around money, success, faith, believing, trust, love, relationships, health and success, but this was bydesign as everything needed to come up to show you how you show up in your life when it looks like things won’t work out or when your fears start to run the show.
Do you negotiate with your fears and let them be true to keep you where you are?
Are you committed to your fears and limitations?
Do you build off of worry and fear or do you build off of your expansive unlimited self?
Where are you always quitting?
Where are you committed to the vision god gave you and never deviating from that vision?
The lessons are all in front of you… the question is where do you want to move your life forward?
What type of life are you committed to creating now?
What does this new chapter look like for you?
You have undergone many upgrades this year all preparing you for this moment.
Remember the test is always before the lessons and expansion.
You are the writer and editor of your own life… design it the way YOU have always wanted it to be and live your life fully!!!
After all… you have been waiting for you all along.
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