Welcome to Virgo season where you get to fully birth in this new identity and new life you have been working on.
Virgo represents purity, organization, service, loyalty, beauty, health, perfectionism and the true essence of the divine feminine.
Leo season was about the renewal of our spirit, creativity and child like joy.
Leo season impregnates us with new ideas, possibilities, expanded vision and who we truly want to become, it is up to us to take the Virgo energy and put in the labor to birth it full into this realm.
Remember Virgo represents Earth but also Mother Isis or Mother Mary etc.
Virgo teaches us to embody and honor the greatness of the divine feminine and all that it holds and creates.
Virgo can be very analytical and detail oriented but it does this so it can create something great.
Virgo observes and puts in the hard work as she knows she must fully embody it to become it.
Oftentimes there is a fear of being great due to the fear of what other people may say or think, being exiled from a group of friends or family etc. but in Virgo season we can take the energy of the great divine mother and know that it is okay to be great and to own it.
Beyoncé wouldn’t apologize for being great, and you don’t have to either.
Own your genius and where you excel.
Take a look and see where you are holding yourself back in all areas of your life from career, health, relationships, money etc.
Where do you need to put in the work to see all areas of your life thrive and be prosperous?
When we truly honor and nurture the feminine element we see all parts of our life bear fruit as it is in her nature to overflow.
Tap in and get to work!