There is a deep inner yearning hidden within your soul that is wild, sexy, passionate, seductive, intoxicating, powerful, risky, breathtaking and free and she is being asked to come out.
Let your wild nature come out.
That wild woman within you is untamable.
She is that part of you that you have been denying and keeping locked away because she is not accepted by the masses, your lover or even yourself.
She is the whisper deep within your soul that wants to explore the darkness, the sultry side of life and create wildfires within your life.
She is that part of you that wants to destroy, create and surrender into ecstasy.
She is you in all that you are.
She does not shame herself for exploring what she likes- she embraces it.
She does not shame herself for liking sex- she embodies it.
She does not shame herself for going deeper into her wells of sexuality and fluidity- she becomes it.
She does not shame herself for wanting to be fully dominated by her man- she surrenders.
That wild woman within you is the fighter and the lover.
She is the sacredness and the destroyer.
She is gentle and strong and she is asking to come out.
So often as women this part of us gets tucked away so far away that we forget about her due to not feeling safe, it being misunderstood, misused, taken advantage of, mocked, judged etc.
This Full Moon is activating Lilith (our darker aspects) and our Sacral Chakras, so as we enter into the portals this is where we reclaim our feminine aspects that we had to hide away because it was not safe.
This is where you take back your power and rise from the ashes and let your wild nature create as you embody your muse energy within.
This is the time to tap into your womb and yoni and reclaim your own portal within you.
The divine feminine is the oracle, the creator and must be held as such… but first you must hold yourself as such.
The feminine is coming alive again and the flames within her are burning for deep passion, art and life!
Let her be free!
Reclaim your body, your life, your mind and your soul.
Run with the wolves and howl with the moon!